Indigenous Women’s Heart Health – Culture and Ceremony play a role



November is CPR Month

Did you know that symptoms of heart attacks can be experienced differently in men and women, and that women have different risks and outcomes with cardiovascular diseases?

Heart health is important for everyone, and Indigenous people, both men and women, are at higher risk for heart attacks and other forms of cardiovascular disease, including strokes, than the rest of the population. “Indigenous peoples are around twice as likely to develop cardiovascular diseases (CVD), are over ten times more likely to die from CVD, and experience heart attacks earlier in life than the general population,” as shared in the booklet, Promoting Indigenous Women’s Heart Health – Lessons from Gatherings with Elders and Knowledge-Holders, (Conklin et al 2019). ​Dr. Jeff Reading, the FNHA Chair in Indigenous Heart Health, was involved in the project that informed the creation of this booklet.

Available both electronically and in hardcopy, the booklet gives insight and information as well as helpful links and resources. Input came from gatherings and through talking and drumming circles, which provided important and meaningful ways to hear directly from Indigenous women. ​The overall goal was to find opportunities to hear and share information and to lay the foundation to develop novel, arts-based prevention approaches for heart health among Indigenous women. We encourage you to view and explore more here: 

To request a copy of the booklet, contact Michaela Davies at​
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