Immunization Program


About the Program • What We Do • The Importance of Immunization • Your Questions • Resources

​​​​​​​​​​About the Pr​​o​​gram 

The FNHA Immunization Program focuses on increasing the uptake of routine infant series and preschool immunization as well as routine immunization across a person’s lifespan. We are working toward: 

  • improved coverage rates for routine immunizations
  • reduced vaccine-preventable disease incidence and outbreaks
  • ​the development of an enhanced immunization surveillance system

What W​e Do

Our program supports community health nurses (CHNs) in delivering immunization programs in your community. We work with CHNs and regional health authorities to ensure timely access to new vaccines, improve immunization rates and increase immunization awareness. We provide education, training and certification to CHNs in First Nations communities.

For a complete description of program objectives and components, see the FNHA Programs and Services Guide​.

The Importance of Imm​unization

Immunizations protect your child from diseases and help stop the spread of certain diseases in your community. When more people get immunized, less people get sick, because the disease has less people to infect. 

–from Herd Immunity (Health Canada video, 1 min)

Immunization provides protection against certain diseases through vaccination. It is therefore an important part of wellness. In the last 50 years, immunization has saved more lives in Canada than any other health intervention. Immunizations (vaccines) are safe and important for people of all ages. All vaccines in BC immunization schedules are free. 

By getting all the recommended vaccines on time, you and your loved ones are protected from many diseases – for life. Vaccines also help protect your community – if you don’t get sick you can’t spread a disease to others. So, by getting vaccinated, you are helping to protect:

  • your family, friends and neighbours
  • babies and Elders
  • community members with chronic illnesses and other medical conditions

Your Ques​tions

If you have questions about immunization, you can talk to the community health nurse at your health centre or nursing station or to your primary care provider. You can also go to your closest public health unit (Health Unit Finder).   


​Clinic Locator
HealthLinkBC​ Influenza (Seasonal Flu)
Vaccination Status Reporting Regulation
Vaccine Schedules​​​


Immunization Program

Confidential Fax: 604-693-3199
FNHA Health Protection team at 1-844-364-2232