What Do They Do?: Shawna Nevdoff

Shawna-Nevdoff.jpgThis week we profile Shawna Nevdoff, Regional Mental Wellness Advisor for the Interior Region.

Q: What do you do on any given day?

Right now, I support the Joint Project Board for Mental Wellness Clinicians in the Interior. I'm also very busy playing an administrative role.

Q: What do staff think you do? What does your mother think you do?

I don't think they have a clue other than that I am dealing with crisis response. My mother has no idea other than that I work with First Nations people—but she thinks that I'm a boss!

Q: What is the best part of your job?

I love the fact that I am working for our communities, and in a meaningful way. FNHA has made such a difference and is actually producing tangible results in our communities.

Q: What would happen if no one performed your job? 

Right now we would not have crisis response teams ready when needed. This is a new position, so the focus is on planning and support work, connecting with communities and partners and enabling cross training

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