FNHA Releases First Nations Health Benefits 2015-16 Annual Report


The First Nations Health Authority is pleased to share our 2015-2016 Health Benefits Annual Report. Highlights from this year’s report include: ongoing increase of cultural safety and humility through provider training requirements, increased numbers of clients accessing health benefits services, increased investments in medical transportation and growth of providers supporting the program.

This year, our Health Benefits team has continued to focus on quality and ease of access to services. Facilitating change of a former federal program is complex, and while there is still much work to be done, the FNHA and Health Benefits team are committed to advancing the work of transformation within this important service area that we are now responsible for.

“It has been another busy year for our team as the number of BC First Nations clients we serve continues to grow, and our network of health care providers expands across the province,” said John Mah, VP of First Nations Health Benefits with the FNHA. “In the coming year, one of the things I look forward to most is continuing our dialogue and partnership with the communities we work both with and for. The introduction of a Health Benefits Client Satisfaction Survey will provide a new way for us to hear how we are doing and gain insights on where we can improve.”
The Health Benefits team’s work is guided by ongoing dialogue and partnership with communities, including engaging with Regional Health Directors and community leadership to listen to community concerns and priorities. One significant enhancement to Health Benefits is the addition of a new Data Analytics & Reporting team. Building capacity to generate regional and community information is an important enhancement to support First Nations health directors to respond to community needs.

It is in this spirit of building community capacity to support decision-making locally within First Nations communities that the FNHA provides the data within this 2015-16 Annual Report. Knowing where strengths and gaps are, supported by reliable data, is key to service improvements within First Nations Health Benefits.

Thank you for taking time to review our report. The Health Benefits team will continue to support the inclusion of culturally safe programs and services and work towards our shared vision of Healthy, Self-Determining and Vibrant BC First Nations Children, Families and Communities.

Download the 2015-2016 Health Benefits Annual Report Here (PDF 7.61 MB)

View more Health Benefits Annual Reports here