Influenza Prevention Tips

Influenza prevention tips

During Flu season it's important to boost your immune system, wash your hands often, eat a healthy balanced diet, get proper sleep and manage stress to prevent illness. A healthy immune system and plenty of hand washing is a strong first defense against illness.

Please consult with a naturopath or alternative practitioner before starting new supplements and if you are currently pregnant, breastfeeding, or have an autoimmune condition do not start supplements without consultation.

Before and during the flu season be sure to keep your immune system healthy:

Take 500-1000mg Vitamin C with bioflavonoids daily

  • Eat lots of garlic, ginger and turmeric

  • Take a probiotic daily

  • Take essentially fatty acids daily (omega-3)- pure/clean form

  • Increase Vitamin A (Cod liver oil)

  • Greens drink daily (includes wheat grass, spirulina, chlorella and other blue green algaes)

  • Vitamin D 2000IU/day

  • Lots of water

  • Certain herbs can be used to boost the immune system and fight infection: Echinacea, Astragalus, Licorice Root, Pau D'Arco, Oil of Oregano, Golden Seal

For more information please contact the FNHA Naturopathic Advisor Dr. Georgia Kyba.

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