2016 FNHA Winter Wellness Grants

Across BC 10/15/2015 12/3/2015


The First Nations Health Authority envisions healthy, self-determining and vibrant BC First Nations children, families and communities playing an active role in decision-making regarding their personal and collective wellness. In line with Directive 1 - Community-Driven, Nation-Based, the FNHA is encouraging First Nations to create their own health event or initiative!

The 2015-16 theme is around new year's resolutions. What is your community or individual resolution this year? Wellness events and initiatives should include a change-focused/ transformational aspect participants can implement in their lifestyles or communities for the rest of the year. The FNHA wants Winter Wellness events to encourage and sustain wellness in individuals, families, and communities throughout the year – see some examples below.

Grant Eligibility

Organizations, schools and agencies that are engaged in direct health service delivery to BC First Nations and/or Aboriginal people may be eligible for funding to host a Community-Driven Winter Wellness Event or initiative. To be eligible the event or initiative must be held between; January 1 – February 15, 2016. The deadline for applications is December 3rd, 2015 at 4:00 p.m.

Applications will be weighed against the following criteria:

• Includes a change-focused/transformational aspect participants can implement within their lifestyle/community throughout the year.
• Event or initiatives that focus on one or more of the FNHA Wellness Streams.
• BC First Nations community-based applications (single or multiple).
• Applications where collaboration or partnership with other communities is possible and demonstrated at the regional, or sub-regional level .
• Fairness and equity within and across the five regions.
• Host organizations that can involve higher numbers of participants.
• Past Day of Wellness grant recipients who have submitted closing reports for previous years' grant.

Samples of FNHA Wellness Streamed initiatives and events:

1. Nurturing Spirit: Organize a Volunteer week! Have registered participants commit to a certain amount of hours to volunteer in the community during a week in January and celebrate the good work and feelings spread across the community by having a community meal and circle to share your experiences throughout the week. 

2. Respecting Tobacco: This could range from abstinence to harm reduction to respective tobacco use. Community members pledge to go 48 hours smoke-free, as a group or through the FNHA Tobacco Timeout initiative (www.quitnow.ca/contest/tobaccotimeout).  A 5 km walk can be held and at the end of the walk the community members who have gone smoke free will be acknowledged and rewarded. Tobacco pouches could be made and handed out and the conclusion of the initiative. 

3. Being ActiveA Snowy 5K - Snowshoe, ski, sled, walk, Spirit pole! Don’t let the snow outside stop you! Organizing a 5K through the winter weather can be a great way to promote continuous physical activity through our winter months. Prepare a nice hot community meal at the finish line. 

4. Eating HealthyHaving an Elder provide information to youth on how our relatives ate and prepared food during the month through an interactive event. Provide youth with food and resources so they can follow along with the teaching!

Application Form

To apply for a grant, please complete this form. Funds may be used for any required costs necessary to carry out the event or initiative (except assets or infrastructure). Only fully completed application forms will be considered.

2016 Winter Wellness Grant Form (PDF 170 KB)

2016 Winter Wellness Grant Form (Word 103 KB)

2016 Winter Wellness Grant Poster (PDF 83 KB)

Applications can be received via email, fax or via the Fluid Survey link no later than December 3rd, 2015 at 4 p.m.

Please Note: If a fax is being sent please first call the phone number below to let them know that your entry will be sent by fax:


First Nations Health Authority – Winter Wellness Grants

FluidSurvey Link: http://fnha.fluidsurveys.com/s/2016-Winter-Wellness-Grant-Application


Email: active@fnha.ca   

Phone: (604) 693-6575 

Fax: (604) 913-2081