The FNHA Complies with UNDRIP Principles


​The First Nations Health Authority (FNHA) is compliant with the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) principles – the most comprehensive international instrument on the rights of Indigenous Peoples across the world.

The assessment, by Gowling WLG (Canada) LLP, concluded that the design and governance structure of the FNHA complies with the principles of UNDRIP and is frequently referenced as a model for the implementation of UNDRIP regarding First Nations health care. The report specifies that, “by placing the governance, decision-making, and delivery of Indigenous healthcare in the hands of BC First Nations, FNHA, in many respects, represents a national and international 'gold standard' regarding UNDRIP compliance and implementation for the provision of Indigenous healthcare."

While the assessment praises the FNHA for complying with the UNDRIP principles, it acknowledges that the FNHA still operates within broader structures of colonization.

What is UNDRIP?

The UNDRIP principles represent an important benchmark to assess the FNHA's structure, governance and operations. They are the most comprehensive international instrument on the rights of Indigenous Peoples across the world and outline a universal framework of minimum standards for the survival, dignity and well-being of Indigenous Peoples. In relation to health care services, the UNDRIP principles supports the right of self-determination when it comes to deciding what is best for First Nations communities.

Learn more

To find out more about the assessment's principles, read the findings and recommendations here.

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