2013-14 FNHA Annual Report



The First Nations Health Authority is pleased to present our 2013-2014 Annual Report and accompanying overview document. This year's report details the historic transfer of Health Canada's First Nations Inuit Health Branch Pacific Region to the FNHA, our transformative work to date, and expands on our five priority areas of:


  1. Transition
  2. Governance and Decision-Making
  3. Health Services and Improvements
  4. Partnerships
  5. Leadership, Organizational Development, and Planning


2013-2014 was a momentous year in health for First Nations communities in BC, the FNHA, First Nations Health Council, First Nations Health Directors Association, and all of our Partners. Please read on and share a detailed account of this transformative year.

2013-14 FNHA Annual Report (PDF 3.73 MB)

2013-14 FNHA Annual Report Overview (PDF 1.70 MB)