2018/2019 FNHA Summary Service Plan



We are honoured to share the First Nations Health Authority's 2018/2019 Summary Service Plan, which communicates a specific set of key priorities for the year, building from our ongoing long-term goals as a First Nations health and wellness organization. This Summary Service Plan marks the third year into our five-year health plan.

The development and implementation of our annual plan continues to be guided by our Vision, 7 Directives, Shared Values and the First Nations Perspective on Health and Wellness, grounding FNHA in First Nations knowledge and teachings, and aligning our work with the consensus leadership expressed by our communities. 

This year's plan includes two new sections:

• "Reflecting On Our Progress," a summary of the FNHA's journey since transfer of services from Health Canada, marking key milestones and events from 2012/2013 to the present day; and

• "The FNHA and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC): Calls to Action," which charts how the FNHA is addressing the TRC's Calls to Action, above and beyond the seven health-specific sections.