FNHA survey collects the attitudes of BC First Nations on cannabis, opioids, and cancer screening


Encourage survey participation among your Indigenous networks – especially 18 to 25 year olds!


The FNHA is very interested in the views and beliefs of First Nations and Aboriginal people in BC as it responds to the opioid crisis, changes to federal cannabis policy, and works towards improving cancer screening rates for First Nations and Aboriginal people in BC.

The FNHA is conducting the Health Attitudes and Beliefs Survey to better understand the perspectives of BC First Nations on these topics—so that the FNHA can improve how it delivers health programs, services, and shares public health information with clients. The FNHA has partnered with R.A. Malatest & Associates Ltd. to administer the short survey.

Please share this survey with your BC First Nations family and friends! The FNHA would like to hear the voices of as many BC First Nations as possible – especially the voices of youth aged 18-25. The survey takes about 10 to 12 minutes to complete and respondents will be entered into a draw to win a $500, $300 or $100 prize. The survey can be completed online at www.fn.malatest.net.

The survey asks some questions about sensitive topics—including substance use, pain, trauma, and cancer screening—that may be upsetting to survey participants. For cultural and/or emotional support, please contact FNHA's crisis line 1-800-588-8717.

For more information, please refer to the Frequently Asked Questions guide. It includes details about the survey, important privacy information, and additional resources on substance use, harm reduction, overdose, and cancer screening. Taking part in the survey is voluntary and confidential.