Jordan's Principle in BC



Through an administrative arrangement with the Government of Canada, the FNHA is now administering Jordan's Principle cases here in BC. In order to fully implement JP in the province, we are actively working alongside Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada – BC Region to prevent First Nations children from being denied essential public services or experiencing delays in receiving them. FNHA administering Jordan's principle does not interfere with the fiduciary relationship between the federal government and First Nations in BC.

Jordan's Principle:

• Applies to all First Nations children

• Applies to all government services to ensure there are no gaps in government services to First Nations children

• Provides payment for needed services by the government or department that first receives the request

In the simplest terms, our approach to Jordan's principle is one of prevention and putting the child at the centre of this work. We aim to prevent any child or family from becoming part of a jurisdictional dispute that may delay a child's access to care. All First Nations children, whether on- or off-reserve, from 0-19 years, regardless of their health or social status, may be eligible for Jordan's Principle funding if they have an unmet service need.


FNHA staff Kinwa Bluesky ( will be leading Jordan's Principle implementation in BC. We are also currently recruiting and onboarding regional Jordan's Principle staff who will support children, youth, parents and caregivers to best access health and other social services. These staff will be the "go-to" people in the regions when families cannot get the help they require. Our staff will support First Nations communities, respecting community protocols, traditions and ways of being and knowing.

Do you know a child or youth that needs help?

To report a case of Jordan's Principle in BC or for more information, please contact:

Jordan's Principle Implementation

Please note: Inquiries will receive an initial response within 12-48 hours of receipt.

For service on weekends please call Health Canada at:

Phone 1-800-567-9604
TTY 1-866-553-0554

Visit the FNHA Jordan's Principle landing page here to find posters and information resources, FAQ's and more: