Overdose Prevention Update



For information on where to find naloxone, details on our response, reading on family conversations, and harm reduction, visit our overdose web portal at www.fnha.ca/overdose.

For information on treatment centres supported by the FNHA, please click here.

What can you do during the overdose crisis?

The FNHA encourages destigmatizing conversations to take place among family members and friends around drug use.

• Be there for each other: Reach out to your family and Nation members who may need to hear a familiar voice

• Learn about harm reduction and how it can save lives

• Get a naloxone kit, add it to your first aid kit - it's free

If you are first on the scene to an overdose:

Follow the save me steps:


S.A.V.E. Me poster PDF  


• Call 9-11

• Giving breaths is important

• Giving naloxone is important

• Anyone is capable of doing these two things

• These two things save lives!

How to obtain Naloxone?

First Nations in BC have 2 options for obtaining naloxone, both are covered by First Nations Health Benefits.

✓ Speak with a pharmacist.

✓ Visit a doctor and ask for a prescription - have the prescription filled at the pharmacy

First Nations Health Benefits Medical Claims
Toll Free: 1.800.317.7878
Fax: 1.888.299.9222

General Questions/Benefits Support Representative
Toll Free: 1.855.550.5454
Email: HealthBenefits@fnha.ca

What has been the FNHA's response?

 Full integration with provincial response through Provincial Overdose Response Task Groups, Regional Health Authority and other tertiary partners.

 Preventing overdose-related deaths through promoting awareness and appropriate use of naloxone and awareness of the harms associated with fentanyl and other opioids through Indigenous learning circles.

 Supporting training and education at the community level. Including knowledge translation through print and online communications. www.fnha.ca/overdose

In the last year, the FNHA has delivered Naloxone training in over 110 First Nations communities – over half of the communities in BC. Currently over 70 First Nations Health Centers are registered to provide naloxone kits at no cost. FNHA recommends adding Naloxone to every first aid kit. We have supported 7 Overdose Townhall meetings to date with additional sessions scheduled in the coming weeks.

To request training in your community or region, please contact Janine Stevenson at janine.stevenson@fnha.ca.

Where can I find more information?

Visit our www.fnha.ca/overdose web portal for information around how to have conversations about drug use with family and friends, where to find treatment in BC, more on Naloxone and how to obtain it.

For information on treatment centres supported by the FNHA, please click here.