First Nations Health Authority



Annual ReportAnnual Report<p>​Annual Report<br></p><p>​The 2023/24 Annual Report describes the FNHA's progress on the goals, strategies and operational priorities outlined in the 2022/23 Summary Service Plan. Read our annual report highlights here.<br></p>,
Paddling TogetherPaddling Together​Paddling Together<br><p>​The FNHA is pleased to present our Paddling Together: FNHA Health and Wellness video. This three-minute animated short encapsulates our commitment and guiding principles in our efforts to enhance health outcomes for First Nations communities across British Columbia.<br></p>,
Indigenous Harm ReductionIndigenous Harm Reduction​Indigenous Harm Reduction<br>​The FNHA uses Indigenous Harm Reduction principles and practices to host conversations regarding substance use and addiction.<br>,



FNHA Statement on passing of Bill Wilson Statement on passing of Bill Wilson1/30/2025 8:00:00 AM<img alt="" src="/AboutSite/GovernanceAndAccountabilitySite/PublishingImages/FNHA-Logo.jpeg?RenditionID=5" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /><p>The First Nations Health Authority extends our condolences in learning of the passing of Bill Wilson...<br><br></p>
Southern Stl’atl’imx communities celebrate new primary care centre Stl’atl’imx communities celebrate new primary care centre1/29/2025 8:00:00 AM<img alt="" src="/AboutSite/NewsAndEventsSite/NewsSite/PublishingImages/about/news-and-events/news/southern-stlatlimx-communities-celebrate-new-primary-care-centre/eszumin-outside.jpg?RenditionID=5" style="BORDER:0px solid;" />​<span lang="EN-GB">First Nations people, families and Elders living in </span><span lang="EN-GB">Líl</span><span lang="EN-GB">̓w</span><span lang="EN-GB">at, N’Quatqua, Samahquam, Skatin and Xa’xtsa territories will have</span>...<br>
Two years into decriminalization legislation in British Columbia years into decriminalization legislation in British Columbia1/29/2025 8:00:00 AM<img alt="" src="/AboutSite/GovernanceAndAccountabilitySite/PublishingImages/about/governance-and-accountability/executive-team/Decriminalization-Graphic-4.jpg?RenditionID=5" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /><p>​Today marks the second anniversary of a three-year trial period of decriminalization legislation in British Columbia...​​​<br></p>