About Treatment Centres
In BC there are several residential treatment centres and an outpatient centre, funded through the National Native Alcohol and Drug Abuse Program (NNADAP).
Services are offered to men, women, youth (in one centre) and families.
Services offered at treatment facilities vary, but overall include services to clients with physical disabilities or concurrent disorders, to clients on OAT (opioid agonist therapy) or psychoactive medications. Services also include family treatment, couples counselling and services for pregnant women.
Info Sheet
Adult Referral Application Package
Locations and Descriptions
For information on each centre and recovery service, click on a teardrop on Treatment Centre Locations Map, or scroll down to Treatment Centre Descriptions. Centres included:
- Carrier Sekani Family Services
- Kackaamin Family Development Centre
- Gya’Wa’Tlaab Healing Centre
- NAMGIS Treatment Centre
- Nenqayni Wellness Centre
- North Wind Wellness Centre
- Round Lake Alcohol and Drug Treatment Society
- Telmexw Awtexw Treatment Centre
- Tsow-Tun Le Lum Society
- Wilp Si’Satxw Community Healing Centre
Treatment Centre Locations Map
Treatment Centre Descriptions
Carrier Sekani Family Services
Carrier Sekani Family Services Addiction Recovery Program
PO Box 1219
Vanderhoof, BC V0G 3A0
Phone: 250-567-2900
Toll-free: 1-866-567-2333
Fax: 250-567-2975
Web: https://www.csfs.org/
The Addictions Recovery Program (ARP) has a mission statement: “To create a healing environment by utilizing a holistic approach that promotes a cultural lifestyle free from addictions and restores a sense of pride in the Carrier and Sekani Culture. We believe the Carrier Sekani culture and spiritual way of living, which honours and respects all of creation, will empower our communities and strengthen our First Nations. The integrated Health and Wellness Addiction Recovery Program, Lhet'sut'en, is delivered by our multidisciplinary team consisting of clinical counsellors and cultural knowledge holders. We believe culture is healing and incorporate a blend of traditional healing practices along with evidence based best practices in addictions treatment reflective of our program's vision statement: Culture is Healing.”
During the winter months (November to April), our team visits member communities by request. We offer educational and support services with a focus on addiction, and one- or two-week treatment programs during the winter. Community visits are open to any northern BC First Nations, based on our availability.
addictions awareness
anger management
effects of colonization
family violence
grief and loss
lateral violence
overcome with depression
relapse prevention
self esteem
shame and guilt
suicide intervention and prevention
understanding brain chemistry to addiction solution
Kackaamin Family Development Centre
Kackaamin Family Development Centre
7830 Beaver Creek Road
Port Alberni, BC V9Y 8N3
Phone: 250-723-7789
Fax: 250-723-5926
Web: https://www.kackaamin.org/
Kackaamin employs Certified Addiction Counsellors that facilitate educational workshops that broaden the knowledge of our adult clientele on a variety of topics and issues. Weekly individual, couple and family counselling along with community capacity building support sessions.
The educational workshops cover a variety of topics such as:
AA/NA meetings
alcohol, drugs and their effects
anger management
behavioral addiction
cultural and traditional teachings
defense mechanisms
grief and loss
healing ceremonies and sweat lodges
parenting program
recreation with your family
residential schools
spirituality and cultural development
The Virtues Project
Gya’Wa’Tlaab Healing Centre
Gya’ Wa’ Tlaab Healing Centre
PO Box 1018
Haisla, BC V0T 2B0
Phone: 250-639-9817
Fax: 250-639-9815
Web: http://gyawatlaab.ca/
This centre offers an early recovery/stabilization program to all First Nations, Inuit and other people of Canada. This program can be defined as an assessment, orientation and readiness phase to treatment.
The program utilizes the following program resources to assist clients: acu-detox, physical fitness, psycho-educational group facilitation, mental health counselling, methadone maintenance support, attending physician, attending pharmacist and culturally appropriate ceremonies.
6, 7 and 8 week programs
16-bed facility
all-male programs
day-patient clients can be arranged (male or female)
five intakes per year
NAMGIS Treatment Centre
NAMGIS Treatment Centre
PO Box 290
Alert Bay, BC V0N 1A0
Phone: 250-974-5522
Fax: 250-974-2257
For ages 19 and up. To meet the goals of the program, a variety of themes are introduced during the six-week program. The program is designed to ensure maximum flexibility to meet client needs within theme areas. These theme areas include:
abstinence from alcohol and addiction as a way of life
family dynamics
historical influences on substance abuse.
physiological and psychological effects of mood altering substances.
self-awareness in the cycle of change
self-help programs for after treatment (eg, Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, Adult Children of Alcoholics)
trauma – This session introduces clients to the concept of trauma and its long and short-term effects. During the six weeks, understanding trauma helps in context with the sessions on grieving, suicide in the family, residential school and family violence. Clients are provided with an opportunity to examine how unresolved trauma contributes to present day negative behavior and coping strategies. Steps to healing from trauma are examined with client input. Deeper issues of trauma are explored during one to one time or referred to Mental Health Services.
Nenqayni Wellness Centre
Nenqayni Wellness Centre
PO Box 2529
Williams Lake, BC V2G 4P2
Phone: 250-989-0301
Fax: 250-989-0307
Web: http://nenqayni.com/
Mission Statement: To provide holistic healing to First Nations and Inuit youth, families and communities in a safe and secure environment.
About Our Team: To achieve a safe team environment where employees respect one another, communicate effectively and are able to efficiently carry out their duties and responsibilities” (Staff Purpose - Developed in 2011).
Staff are certified by the Canadian Council of Professional Certification and receive ongoing training relating to their positions and as required by accreditation and licensing.
Family Alcohol & Drug
Youth & Family Inhalant
Continuing Care
Drug & Alcohol Information
Cultural Activities
North Wind Wellness Centre
North Wind Wellness Centre
PO Box 2480 Station A
Dawson Creek, BC V1G 4T9
Phone: 250-843-6977
Fax: 250-843-6978
Email: intake@northwindwc.ca
Web: https://northwindwellnesscentre.ca/
Centre Location
5524 Graham (235) Road
Farmington, BC V0C 1N0
The effects of alcohol and drug addiction are often devastating to individuals, families and communities. The North Wind Healing Centre offers a 45-day, culturally based, residential treatment program for ages 19 and up.
The Centre is located just North of Dawson Creek in the beautiful Peace River country. The facility includes a main “common” building, session and craft room, sweat lodge, exercise equipment, computers, counsellor’s office and administration building. It is 150 acres of wilderness that participants may freely walk.
Each day begins and ends with smudging and prayer. Sweat lodge, Blanket and Pipe Ceremonies introduce and reinforce the concept of sacredness by means of traditional culture.
Round Lake Alcohol and Drug Treatment Society
Round Lake Alcohol and Drug Treatment Society
200 Emery Louis Road
Armstrong, BC V0E 1B5
Phone: 250-546-3077
Fax: 250-546-3227
Web: https://roundlaketreatmentcentre.ca/
This program addresses the impact of historic and intergenerational trauma by guiding participants through activities and ceremonies that help to resolve trauma, grief and shame. Emphasis in the healing circle is on safety, trust and self-care, and facilitates wellness for Indigenous trauma survivors.
6 and 12 week programs
35-bed facility
does not accept couples
Telmexw Awtexw Treatment Centre
Telmexw Awtexw Treatment Centre
Salish Way
Agassiz, BC V0M 1A1
Phone: 604-796-9829
Fax (outpatient / community): 604-796-9839
Web: https://www.stsailes.com/telmexw-awtexw/
Non-residential program
Accessible to clients with physical disabilities, pregnant women, court referral or corrections clients, clients taking other psychoactive medications
Transportation provided to outlying community members to enable attendance at the day program.
Tsow-Tun Le Lum Society
Tsow-Tun Le Lum Society
2850 Miller Rd
Duncan BC V9L 6V6
Phone: 250-390-3123
Fax: 250-390-3119
Web: http://www.tsowtunlelum.org
Tsow-Tun Le Lum means “helping house.” We provide programs that address the issues of addictions and healing survivors of trauma and residential schools. Our mission is to strengthen the ability of First Nations people to live healthy, happy lives and to have pride in their native identity. Tsow-Tun Le Lum is a registered non-profit society operating a fully accredited treatment centre in Lantzville, on Vancouver Island, British Columbia.
Thuy Namut (Substance Abuse)
Web: http://www.tsowtunlelum.org/programs/thuy-namut/
Grounded in native culture and tradition, this is a 40-day intensive residential program available to First Nations people. Holistic in nature, the program is for those who are ready to put substance abuse behind them. Through carefully developed therapy experiences that build on existing strengths and aspirations, each participant discovers their own unique pathway for continuing recovery.
Kwunatsustul (Trauma)
Web: http://www.tsowtunlelum.org/programs/kwnatsustul/
Holding Hands, Standing Together is a second stage recovery program with a focus on trauma. This program is designed to address the multitude of mental health and trauma issues being faced in community.
The program is holistic including traditional and contemporary methodologies: the program addresses emotional, mental, physical and spiritual health and well-being of First Nations Peoples.
Wilp Si’Satxw Community Healing Centre
Wilp Si’Satxw Community Healing Centre
Box 429, Cedarvale-Kitwanga Road
Kitwanga, BC V0J 2A0
Phone: 250-849-5211
Fax: 250-849-5374
Web: https://www.wilpchc.ca/
42-day program
child counselling
clients with physical disabilities
couples counselling
family treatment
house of purification
in-patient adult co-ed
pregnant women
residential schools
Recovery Services
Esk’etemc Recovery House
Esk’etemc Recovery House
Letwilc Ren Semec Centre
949 Cougar Trail
Alkali Lake, BC V0L 1B0
Phone: 250-440-5651 ext. #261
Web: https://www.esketemc.ca/letwilc-ren-semec-centre/
Alkali Lake is known for addressing substance use disorder in the community using traditional cultural values and sharing their success worldwide.
Mission: Letwilc Ren Semec Centre guides and assists clients on the path toward recovery while reintegrating a healthy lifestyle in a culturally safe recovery service.
The recovery centre includes five rooms for an adult substance use supported recovery housing service.
The centre promotes recovery for individuals with substance use challenges by providing safe and secure housing and promoting reintegration into the community by helping clients secure housing upon discharge.
Priority is given to Aboriginal clients from the Interior.
Clients may stay up to six months. We accept individuals who have fully completed an alcohol and drug treatment program.
Fees for the services may apply. Contact us for more information.
Round Lake Alcohol and Drug Treatment Society
Round Lake Alcohol and Drug Treatment Society
200 Emery Louis Road
Armstrong, BC V0E 1B5
Phone: 250-546-3077
Fax: 250-546-3227
Web: https://roundlaketreatmentcentre.ca/
10-bed recovery home
post treatment home for clients who require more assistance to further strengthen their wellness and recovery.
pre-treatment home for clients who require stabilization before entering treatment
does not accept couples or non-BC residents
Non-FNHA Funded Treatment Services
In the event you are not able enter into a FNHA-funded treatment centre, you can consider accessing treatment in a non-FNHA funded treatment centre. For more information, you can review our Non-FNHA funded Treatment Centre Application Process:
Non-FNHA Funded Treatment Centre Application Process FAQs
Subsidy Application Form
Services in Other Provinces
For lists of services in other provinces, see the Indigenous Services Canada webpage.
About FNHA Alcohol and Drug Use Services
Alcohol and Drug Use Services provides a range of community-based prevention and treatment services and supports. Community-based programming includes prevention, health promotion, early identification and intervention, referral, aftercare and follow-up services. These services are integrated with a network of addiction treatment centres that provide culturally relevant inpatient, outpatient and day or evening programs for alcohol, solvents and other drug addictions.
For a complete description of program objectives and components, see Alcohol and Drug Use Services in the FNHA Programs and Services Guide (page 38).