Thanks to the feedback received from community through the Medical Transportation (MT) Transformation Project, we have gained greater insight into our Clients' needs. In response, First Nations Health Benefits and Services (FNHBS) continues to implement community informed changes to enhance the MT program. The following changes will be effective April 1, 2024.
Updates to escort coverage
FNHBS recognizes the unique challenges that some Clients experience when accessing medical services. In response, we have updated and expanded our escort coverage policy to better support those in need.
Effective April 1, 2024, Clients meeting the following criteria are now eligible for escort coverage
without the need for additional documentation:
Clients aged 65 and above, requiring assistance to attend scheduled medical appointments; and
Clients travelling to and from
First Nations Health Authority (FNHA) funded substance use treatment centres, or approved non-FNHA-funded treatment centres.
Note, escort support for travel to treatment centres without requiring an Exception is an interim support provided until March 31, 2025, as part of FNHA's response to the toxic drug crisis.
Increase in private accommodation rates
Effective April 1, 2024, FNHBS is pleased to announce a change in the rate for Clients staying in a private home while on medical travel. The nighly rate will increase from $30 to $50 and the weekly maximum will increase from $100 to $350.
MT private accommodation coverage aims to support culturally safe stays, enabling Clients to remain close to family or friends while on medical travel. The rate is intended to cover any expenses associated with incidentals or to provide support, if desired, to their hosts.
Effective April 1, 2024, private accommodation rates will change as reflected in the table below:
| Previous rate
New rate:
Effective April 1, 2024
Rate per night
| $30
$50 |
Maximum rate per week
| $100
Introduction of hospital parking supports
Effective April 1, 2024, FNHBS is pleased to introduce short-term hospital parking benefits for Clients attending medical appointments. This benefit aims to alleviate the financial burden associated with parking fees during medical visits.
Clients will now be eligible for reimbursement of short-term hospital parking expenses, provided the parking receipt corresponds to an attended appointment.
Updates to mileage rates
FNHBS actively monitors gas prices across BC to ensure that changes do not impact Clients' ability to access medically necessary appointments when using their private vehicles.

| - The standard mileage rate of $0.23/km has now been permanently adjusted to $0.25/km, effective April 1, 2024.
- A temporary mileage rate adjustment of $0.04/km will be provided until March 31, 2025, thereby maintaining the current rate of $0.29/km.
Increased rates will continue to apply to the special mileage rate for specific remote communities, as identified in applicable Funding Agreements.
Please refer to the table below for the MT mileage rates and the effective dates:
Standard MT mileage rate
| This applies to most communities.
| $0.23 / km
| $0.29 / km
| $0.25 / km
Special MT mileage rate for remote communities
| This applies to specific communities as identified in their Funding Agreement
| $0.29 / km
| $0.35 / km
| $0.31 / km
A complete history of MT mileage rate adjustments can be found here and will be updated as new changes are announced.
Information for communities with Funding Agreements
The FNHA will ensure that all communities delivering MT locally through a Funding Agreement will receive the necessary funding to support all policy and mileage rate changes. FNHBS will follow up separately with agreement holders regarding the updates.
About the MT Benefit
The MT benefit provides supplemental coverage of transportation, accommodation and meals to assist clients who need to access medically necessary health services unavailable in their communities of residence. Learn more about MT and other health benefits.
For additional information or support, please contact FNHBS at 1-855-550-5454 or