Sober for October

An Opportunity for Reflection • You Make the Rules • Stories from Previous Years

​​​​​​​​​​An Opportunity for Reflection

Every October, FNHA hosts the Sober for October challenge.

This is a good opportunity for people to look at the role of alcohol and other substances have in our lives – how much, how often and why we consume them. We can reflect on these questions, learn more about how alcohol and other substances impact our health, and consider what alternatives are available instead.

You Make t​he Rules

The Sober for October Challenge uses a harm reduction approach and involves a range of strategies and tactics for people that would like to reduce or stop drinking. The goal of the challenge is to enhance the knowledge, skills, resources and supports for individuals, families, and communities about alcohol. Quitting or abstinence is not required to access care and supports. How you approach this initiative is up to you. 

Here are some ways you can participate:​

  • Learn about how alcohol impacts your health and wellness goals.
  • Make a plan (for example, to drink alcohol only on weekends or only particular weekdays).
  • Be mindful of how many drinks you have at a given time.
  • Try to stop drinking alcohol altogether this month.
  • Increase your daily water intake.
  • Pair up with a friend, and support and encourage each other on your Sober(er) for October wellness journey.
Share your commitment with your friends and loved ones, allowing them to support you.  On social media, use the #FNHAWellness tag us @FNHA.

Stories from Prev​​ious Years

2023 Challenge

​2022 Challenge

2021 ​Challenge

2020 Ch​​allen​​ge

2019 Chall​enge

2018 Chal​lenge

 Contact Us

FNHA Wellness Initiatives Team


The Sober for October was created and launched by the FNHA Office of the Chief Medical Officer’s Team as part of its strength-based approach to wellness and supported by the Wellness Initiatives Team.​

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