The FNHA Summary Service Plan is our operational plan for the next fiscal year.
Our Plan affirms the FNHA's guiding elements, including our vision, Shared Values and 7 Directives.
Our Plan articulates the FNHA's goals, outcome statements, objectives, and strategies, as well as a set of operational priorities for the coming year.
Paddling Together
The FNHA is pleased to present our Paddling Together: FNHA Health and Wellness video. This three-minute animated short encapsulates our commitment and guiding principles in our efforts to enhance health outcomes for First Nations communities across British Columbia.
This video is a visual product of our Paddling Together: First Nations Health Authority Health and Wellness Plan. Using the symbolism of a canoe journey, our plan represents collaboration between the FNHA, First Nations in BC and our governing partners. The video outlines our five goal areas and five guideposts and provides continuous guidance that steers our efforts and reflects our community-based, Nation-driven process.
Watch the video here:
Our Plan builds on what we have learned and heard through engagements with First Nations across BC.
This is the second annual refresh of the current multi-year plan, one that will guide the FNHA through the next phase in our journey together with First Nations in BC and our partners in health system transformation. The plan includes goals, strategies, measures and guideposts.
Our five goals are directly tied to the health and wellness plans of the five Regions.
Goal 1 – Drive health system transformation through the BC First Nations Health Governance Structure and partnerships.
Goal 2 – Enhance access to culturally safe and quality health and wellness services.
Goal 3 – Cultivate culturally safe mental health and wellness approaches.
Goal 4 – Advance First Nations approaches to addressing anti-Indigenous racism in health.
Goal 5 – Champion health and wellness innovation with First Nations and other partners.
To direct our future work, the FNHA is also informed by five guideposts that keep us grounded as we work to implement our Plan:
Guidepost 1 – First Nations Perspective on Health and Wellness

Guidepost 2 – Quality

Guidepost 3 – Culture and Decolonization

Guidepost 4 – Urban and Away from Home

Guidepost 5 – Innovation

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