Our Primary Care Programs

First Nations-led Primary Care Initiative

The First Nations-led Primary Care Initiative (FNPCI) aims to improve access to primary health care services for First Nations people across BC in a way that is culturally safe and closer to home.

The initiative is part of the Province of British Columbia's primary care strategy to integrate team-based care in communities throughout BC in partnership with the Regional Health Authorities.


One of the main objectives of the FNPCI is to develop new First Nations Primary Health Care Centres in rural and urban locations across the province. The centres will provide access to culturally safe, quality primary health care services for First Nations people and their families. The aim is for clients to feel safe, welcomed, valued, respected and heard when they access care services at one of these centres.

Learn more abo​ut the FNPCI

First Nations Virtual Doctor of the Day Program

The First Nations Virtual Doctor of the Day program enables First Nations people in BC to make virtual appointments with primary care providers.

Learn more about the First Nations Virtual Doctor of the Day program

Virtual Substance Use and Psychiatry Service

The Virtual Substance Use and Psychiatry Service provides individuals with access to specialists in substance use medicine and psychiatry as well as clinical counsellors.

Learn more about the Virtual Substance Use and Psychiatry Service.

The FNHA virtual services are linked to Real-​Time Virtual Support (RTVS) services. This includes Rural Urgent Doctor in-aid (RUDi) for urgent and emergent cases.

 Content Editor

​Current medical staff opportunities:​ Medical.Affairs@fnha.ca