The BC First Nations Perspective on Quality and BC First Nations Pathway for Quality Improvement offers key principles and guidelines to help inform a more reflective, relevant and responsive approach to quality and quality improvement that is designed by and for BC First Nations health organizations.
To pursue the vision of healthy, self-determining and vibrant BC First Nations, children, families and communities, the BC First Nations Perspective on Quality and BC First Nations Pathway for Quality Improvement set the stage for what is important to BC First Nations when reviewing and improving quality and safety in First Nations health care and addiction recovery healing services.
The coordination and development of the BC First Nations Perspective on Quality and Pathway for Quality Improvement is owned by BC First Nations, hosted by the FNHA and led by the FNHA Quality team. Refer to the documents for full details.
BC First Nations Perspective on Quality
The BC First Nations Perspective on Quality is grounded in culture and community. The image of the woven basket reflects the continual weaving of principles and practices that build stronger health and wellness services.
The basket represents individual and collective efforts to provide seamless, integrated and person-centered care. The people represent the organizations, partners and clients working together to support the health and wellness of individuals, families and communities. The sun and moon in the background represent the everyday efforts towards health and wellness.

BC First Nations Pathway for Quality Improvement
The BC First Nations Pathway for Quality Improvement creates a shared understanding of the steps in a change process; it recognizes that quality improvement involves everyone. It evolves quality and quality improvement within a First Nations-led and self-determined framework.
The braid integrates the five principles of the First Nations Perspective on Quality throughout the process. The strands leading into the braid demonstrate the collaborative intentions and actions between community clients, organizational staff and partners who are working together to create improved services, organizations and partnerships.

Impacts of Accreditation and Quality Improvement
We offer an Accreditation Readiness Tool that can be used by health organizations and teams to support discussions of interest and self-determine engagement. Please contact us for more information.