Suicide Prevention


Hope, Help and Healing • Mental Health and Wellness Supports • Wise Practices • We Matter • Youth Leading Youth Advisory Committee for Life Promotion

​​​​​​​​Hope, Help and H​ealing​

Suicide is a tragic and all too common outcome of colonization, racism and intergenerational trauma. How do we support those who may be struggling to live a good life? How do we share the collective knowing that life is sacred?

The FNHA believes that the best way to prevent suicide is to promote protective factors such as family connectedness and emotional safety. Eliminating suicide requires the concerted effort of our relations.

The FNHA has developed resources that we hope will help you and your loved ones prevent suicide.

FNHA developed this tool​kit for community health leads and workers in First Nations and Aboriginal communities and others working in an area that touches on preventing and responding to suicide in their community.

The toolkit aims to support the planning and development of a community suicide prevention, intervention and postvention plan that can be used in communities.

The toolkit is organized into four sections and includes several appendices:

  • you can use the four sections in order or separately, depending on the work being done in the community
  • your community may want to focus on suicide prevention (Hope), planning for intervention (Help) or “postvention" (Healing) resources
  • you can use the toolkit as a checklist to see if your community has some of the “promising practices" in place already

Mental Health and ​Wellness Supports

Wise Pra​​ctices

We Matt​​er Campaign​

Youth Leading Youth A​dvisory Committee for Life Promotion

Sam Bradd visualization drawings:



FNHA Mental Health and Welln​​​ess Team