Funding Arrangements

Introduction • Types of Funding Arrangements  • Reporting Requirements Guide • Understanding your Funding Agreement


“Funding Arrangement" is the term used to describe an agreement governing the provision of direct funding to a recipient.

The FNHA transfers funding to multiple different recipients and partners, including BC First Nations and Tribal Councils, First Nation health provider collectives supported by BC First Nation Bands and any approved and eligible recipient that delivers services directly to First Nations or Indigenous persons in British Columbia on behalf of the FNHA.

NOTE: The FNHA Funding Arrangements team does not assign funding. If you are looking for funding, please contact the related program area:

Types of Fundin​g Arrangements

The FNHA uses multiple different funding instruments. The type of funding instrument used for your organization depends on the nature of your organization and the work to be done. The following types of funding instrument are used:

  • Health Funding Arrangement (HFA) Contribution Agreements
  • Joint Project Board (JPB) Contribution Agreements
  • Health Actions (HA) Contribution Agreements
  • Grants

Procurements and contracts are separate from funding agreements. If you are looking for procurement opportunities, see the FNH​A Procurement Portal.

Contribution Agr​​​​eements

Contribution agreements are used by the FNHA to transfer funds under a set of terms and conditions. They are the most commonly used FNHA funding instrument. As the name suggests, they are not a purchase of goods or services; they are a contribution towards a cause the FNHA deems supportable.

If you hold more than one contribution agreement with the FNHA, please note that the terms and conditions of each agreement may not be the same.

Reporting is a standard part of the contribution agreement process. Depending on the funding threshold, you may need to submit audited financial statements as part of the reporting requirements.


Grants are used by the FNHA to flow funding to a recipient for lower-risk projects or initiatives. They are less commonly used than contribution agreements, and are an unconditional transfer of funds from the FNHA to the recipient. This does not mean they are without scrutiny: the FNHA may still set some minimal reporting requirements on grant funding​. However, they are not subject to audits and are typically for smaller funding values.

Reporting Requirement​s Guide

Reporting is an important aspect of our work in Funding Arrangements. We are accountable to First Nations communities and our organization's partners. Reporting allows us to ensure funding is being utilized wisely and for the agreed-upon purposes.

The Reporting Guide is an “evergreen" document that changes as programs are reformed, funding requirements shift and we gather feedback from BC First Nations. We recommend that you contact your Funding Arrangements Advisor to discuss any questions you may have.

The Guide covers the following topics:

Previous reporting schedules that used to be attached to each Health Funding Agreement have been rolled into the guide.

  1. The annual reporting date for ALL agreement types is now July 29.
  2. Please send all FNHA Reports to:
  3. Please do not submit reports to individual FNHA team member inboxes.

Understanding your Fundin​g Agreement

For help understanding and navigating the funding arrangements process, please see the FNHA Health Funding Agreements Tutorial​.​


FNHA Funding Arrangements Team

Mailing Address
540 – 757 West Hastings Street
Vancouver, BC
V6C 3E6​