My team and I raise our hands up to everyone who took part in Sober(er) for October, even if it was just for a few days or if you started the process of thinking about your drinking. Let's commit to continuing with any healthy habits started in October.
For the Sober(er) for October campaign, people were tasked with creating their own challenge for the month – that could mean making the decision to drink alcohol in moderation, or to try to stop drinking alcohol altogether. Or it could have been increasing your awareness about your drinking.
As your wellness partner, the First Nations Health Authority provided information, tips and stories to support you during the challenge. Here is a collection of the posts that were shared during the 2019 Sober(er) for October:
• Rethink your drink: An opportunity to look at the role of alcohol in our lives.
• Sober(er) for October: Why Sober(er)?: Why we put the “er" in “sober(er)" to ensure a challenge that meets your needs and goals.
• Let's talk about drinking!: A message to support wholistic conversations about drinking, focusing on relationships and connection.
• What kinds of supports do we need when we are trying to be sober(er)?: A message about the need for non-judgmental and safe spaces as well as healthy alternatives.
• Leading with an Open Heart: Tsay Keh Dene health staff on practising lateral kindness as part of the healing journey.
• Everyone's Included in the Circle: Each of us has our own relationship with alcohol. This relationship is influenced by our life experiences, including the experiences and perspectives of our families and communities.
• Time for your Wellness Check-in: This is a good time to check in on your wellness as it relates to alcohol and your heart and mind, and for some people, their pregnancy.
The First Nations Health Authority would like to thank the health staff at Tsay Keh Dene for sharing their story and teachings of lateral kindness. We also send a big thank you to Millie Price for sharing ways to rebuild connections through culture.
Going forward!
If you decide to drink alcohol after a period of abstinence or moderate drinking, remember that your tolerance will be lower than before. This means, going forward, drink slowly and consider drinking non-alcoholic drinks in between alcoholic drinks.
Remember the KU-UUS Crisis Line is here to provide culturally appropriate support for BC First Nations and Indigenous people. A toll-free line is available 24/7 at 1-800-588-8717.
In Wellness,
Dr. Nel Wieman
Senior Medical Officer, Mental Health and Wellness