The FNHA is pleased to share its 2021/2022 Annual Report, which describes progress on the goals, strategies and key priorities articulated in FNHA's 2021/2022 Summary Service Plan.
It has been another challenging year. While the FNHA has walked alongside and supported First Nations in BC in responding to the concurrent public health and climate change emergencies as well as the uncovering of unmarked graves at several former residential schools, we have also remained focused on advancing systemic and transformative change in the health system.
This year's Annual Report highlights the FNHA's capacity to remain grounded in our 7 Directives and nimble in responding to the needs of communities. The report showcases the efforts and innovations of our five regional teams who worked tirelessly to support First Nations and continued programs and services delivery through the difficult circumstances. Updates are also provided on the FNHA's key performance measures and revenues and expenditures.
We raise our hands up to all FNHA staff for the incredible work done in 2021-2022 to support First Nations across BC!
Read the full report here: https://www.fnha.ca/about/governance-and-accountability/annual-reports.