A message from Richard Jock, Chief Executive Officer; and Dr. Shannon McDonald, Acting Chief Medical Officer
Happy New Year 2021 to you and your loved ones from all of us at the First Nations Health Authority. We reflect, with gratitude, upon the resilience and adaptability that we as Indigenous people have shown through 2020.
We are also grateful for the New Year full of potential that is ahead of us, and for the fantastic news that a vaccine against COVID-19 is beginning to be delivered to First Nations communities who are remote or have outbreaks.
Having a COVID-19 vaccine means an opportunity to not only protect ourselves, but also to protect our families, our communities, and the seniors and Elders who bring us wisdom and enrich our lives. Widespread immunization is the best option to protect people from COVID-19, and as more people get vaccinated, we will be able to return to activities that haven't been possible during the pandemic.

Reflections on the past year
If 2020 has taught us anything, it's that we need to be kind to each other and appreciate what really matters; that when we work together and care for each other, hard times become more bearable; and that we are more resilient, adaptable and brave than we think we are.
This past year has also taught us to be grateful for everyone in our lives and for every blessing and privilege that we have. We've seen and experienced that challenges can make us stronger, more compassionate, and more grateful human beings. These are the lessons that we can carry forward with us into the New Year, and for many years to come.
Resolutions for the New Year
In fact, if you make any New Year's Resolutions, it's a great idea to resolve to be thankful for everyone and everything good that you have in your life on a daily basis; practising gratitude is medically proven to be extremely good for your health and wellness! It can even boost your immune system!
Here are some other ideas for New Year's Resolutions:
1) Set small, achievable goals, and celebrate every step in the right direction. For example, if you want to start exercising regularly, aim for fifteen minutes a day at first, and do more as you are able. Studies show that even a little exercise is beneficial compared to a sedentary lifestyle. Getting regular exercise is a worthy goal; it not only improves mental and physical health, it even helps prevent disease!
2) Spend some time learning about ways to improve your health and wellness, and write down a few that you like. Pick one to start incorporating into your life. When it becomes a habit, add another one, and so on! A great place to get information is our website, which is full of messages, tips and expert advice about getting or maintaining optimal health and wellness. Remember, we want to be your wellness partner!
We wish you the best of luck with your health and wellness journey, as well as peace, joy and love in 2021!