Dr. Shannon McDonald, Acting Chief Medical Officer, encourages you to keep your bubble small, get out on the land and be kind to one another.
Our traditional teachings tell us to take care of each other. We must remember those teachings as we approach the Labour Day weekend.
Although long weekends are typically times of gathering, I want to remind everyone to continue to practise the measures that we were asked to follow six months ago when the pandemic was declared. Each of us needs to do our part, including frequent hand washing, physical distancing of at least two metres and wearing masks when that is not possible.
Keep your bubble small!
Our collective success in preventing COVID-19 has allowed us to resume some services and activities, and many of us expanded our bubbles throughout the summer. Unfortunately there has been an increase in COVID-19 cases in communities as a result of large gatherings. It's time to get back to basics, and that means keeping your bubble small!
This is not the time to let our guard down: we strongly recommend against unnecessary travel and large gatherings. We must draw on our resilience as Indigenous people to stay strong and stay safe for the sake of others, especially our Elders and Knowledge Keepers, young children and those with chronic disease. Since time immemorial, our ancestors did what's right for the protection of their communities. Like them, we have the tools and knowledge to keep each other safe.
If possible, I encourage you to get out on the land this weekend and enjoy the final days of summer with your family or bubble. If you haven't already, sign up for the 30x30 Active Challenge for some extra motivation!
Getting tested is showing kindness
As we approach the long weekend, I want to take a moment to thank and celebrate every person who experienced symptoms and got tested. You are helping to protect all of us!
Remember, getting COVID-19 is not a matter of who didn't wash their hands long enough, who touched their face too much, or who didn't physically distance enough. These are necessary measures to take, but we could still do everything right and become infected with COVID-19. There is no “fault" when it comes to this virus.
As we head into the long weekend, let's be kind to each other and thankful for all of the efforts and protective measures that individuals and communities are taking for the safety of us all.
Stay strong and stay the course. Together, we will get through this.
COVID-19 Phase 3 Information: