A message from Dr. Helena Swinkels, FNHA Office of the Chief Medical Officer

This weekend and early next week will bring the warmest weather of the year so far – we may even break some records! For many, this will be a welcome change from the recent cool rain. While we want everyone to enjoy the sunny weather, the sudden heat this early in the year, and the need to maintain physical distancing, means we will have to think ahead to stay healthy and safe.
Temperatures this weekend will reach the high 20s or even 30 degrees Celsius in the Fraser Valley, and low to mid-20s in coastal areas. Here are a few recommendations to help Elders, children, families, and communities beat the heat and stay connected, while staying physically separate.
Keep practising physical distancing!
Spend time outside in wide-open areas, making use of the shade as necessary. While we can now gather in groups of five, these should be limited to our close family and friends. The fewer people we see, the lower our and their risk. It is important that we remember Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry's advice about thinking “few faces, big spaces" this summer!
Stay cool
Keep air circulating with fans in your home, use cool mists or showers, and spend time in cool, shady areas. Limit the time you spend in the direct sunlight. If possible, spend time in air-conditioned places.
Dress Smart
Wear loose, light-weight clothing and a hat to keep sun off your face. Use sunscreen to avoid getting a sunburn.
Drink Liquids
Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Do not wait until you are thirsty to drink; thirst is one of the first signs of dehydration. Limit drinks with caffeine, alcohol, or lots of added sugar; these can cause further dehydration.
Just Chill
Minimize the time you spend doing exercise or hard work outdoors in the heat during peak hours. If you want to do wellness activities, do them early in the morning or later in the evening when it is cooler.
Look Out for Each Other
Check in on-line with your Elders, neighbours, and other loved ones to make sure that everyone is doing fine. Make sure everyone knows the signs of heat exhaustion, which can include muscle cramps, weakness, dizziness, headache, nausea, or vomiting. If someone experiences these symptoms, move them immediately to cooler conditions, and have them rest and drink a cool beverage. Wear a mask and make sure you wash your hands before and after helping a loved one you do not live with. Make sure someone from their household can stay with them and if they do not immediately feel better, seek medical attention.
Keep Yourself in Mind
Some people might take medications or have an illness where special care and attention is required in heat conditions. Talk to your doctor if you are concerned that a medication you take might increase your sensitivity to heat or if you are a person that should be taking extra caution.
Get Everyone Out of the Car
DO NOT leave your loved ones for any amount of time in a vehicle. All children, pets, Elders and family members should vacate the car when the car is parked. Leaving the window open a little bit is NOT enough to make a difference.
Stay Informed
Read, watch, or listen to the local news and weather channel for updates on weather and warnings. If you are concerned about heat-related illness, call BC's free health information line at 8-1-1 (not 9-1-1, unless it is an emergency).
Stay cool this weekend and have a safe and fun summer!
Links to updated weather forecasts/warnings are as follows:
Environment and Climate Change Canada Forecasts: www.weather.gc.ca/forecast/canada/index_e.html?id=BC
Environment and Climate Change Canada Special Weather Statements/Warnings: www.weather.gc.ca/warnings/index_e.html?prov=bc
Environment and Climate Change Canada Weather Blog: www.avalanche.ca/weather
Environment and Climate Change Canada's Official WeatherCan App: https://www.canada.ca/en/environment-climate-change/services/weather-general-tools-resources/weathercan.html
Pacific Storm Prediction Centre - Supervisor
Environment and Climate Change Canada