The FNHA has released its 2019/2020 Annual Report, which describes progress on the goals, objectives, key priorities and annual key priorities articulated in its 2019/2020 Summary Service Plan. The report shares the organization's activities, achievements and challenges as well as revenues and expenditures.
This year's report highlights progress on each of the five FNHA regions' unique Regional Health and Wellness Plan goals and priorities. Findings from several evaluations completed this fiscal year are also incorporated throughout the report.
This year's report includes a focus on the progress achieved across a set of organization-wide key priority areas, introduced in the FNHA's 2019/2020 Summary Service Plan. The Summary Service Plan outlines the FNHA's goals and priorities, and the Annual Report reflects on the FNHA's annual progress on this plan.
The FNHA's seven key priorities, as shared in the 2019/2020 Summary Service Plan, are:
• Evolving the FNHA Operating Model, including Regionalization;
• Renewed Partnerships with First Nations;
• Wellness;
• Knowledge Development and Exchange;
• Cultural Safety and Humility;
• Service Excellence (including Mental Health and Wellness, Primary Health Care and Health Benefits); and
• Leadership and Culture Development.
These key priorities support the progress of all four of the FNHA's goals: Goal 1: Enhance First Nations health governance; Goal 2: Champion the BC First Nations Perspective on Health and Wellness; Goal 3: Advance excellence in programs and services; and Goal 4: Operate as an efficient, effective and excellent First Nations organization.
Foundational themes – including commitment to quality and serving our entire population of individuals both at home and away from home – are woven throughout the report.
Read the full report here: https://www.fnha.ca/about/governance-and-accountability/annual-reports.