2020 is the first-ever International Year of the Nurse and the Midwife, and April 25 - May 2 is National Immunization Awareness Week:
A shout-out to these essential health care workers for carrying on immunizing!

A message from Dr. Shannon McDonald, FNHA Deputy Chief Medical Officer
The first-ever International Year of the Nurse and Midwife is a year to celebrate nurses and midwives for the essential roles they play in providing health care services. This message is a heartfelt thanks to these dedicated healthcare professionals for their extraordinary service during the pandemic, including carrying on immunizing and/or educating about the importance of immunizing!
Nurses and midwives are even more essential now than ever, with many on the frontlines, so I want to thank them on behalf of the FNHA's Office of the Chief Medical Officer. I want to speak directly to the FNHA's wonderful nurses and midwives, as well as all of the nurses and midwives working in BC with First Nations people. You are the foundation of the health care services we provide to our people. You are the folks who – even in the midst of a pandemic – continue to do the essential jobs of giving immunizations and health advice, sharing your expert knowledges about immunizations; providing health care for Indigenous mothers and children; looking after our Elders; and much, much more. Thank you for bringing your hearts and your hands to the work.
While nurses do the bulk of immunizations, midwives play such an important role in the care of children and families, and can provide immunizations as well, especially in very rural areas. In fact, nurses and midwives are often the only health care providers in rural or First Nations communities!
So, we thank you nurses and midwives for all you are doing and have done, including keeping First Nations people safe by carrying on immunizing and educating about immunization during this pandemic.