Sexually Transmitted and Blood-Borne Infections

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​​About the Program ​• About these Types of Infection • Resources

​​​About the ​​Program 

This area of FNHA work is comprised of several programs: Sexually Transmitted and Blood Borne Infections, Harm Reduction, Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Hepatitis C Virus.  

These programs focus on prevention, education, awareness and community capacity building, as well as facilitating access to quality and timely diagnosis, care, treatment and social support.

For a complete description of program objectives and components, see the Communicable Disease Control section of the FNHA Programs and Services Guide.

About these Types of Infection         

Sexually transmitted infections are infections that are passed from one person to another through sexual activities with someone who has an STI. 

FNHA Sexual Health Fact Sheet

There are many different types of sexually transmitted and blood-borne infections. To find out if you have an STBBI, you need to be tested. Otherwise, you could spread an STBBI to a sexual partner without knowing it.

Blood-borne infections are infecti​ons that are passed from one person to another through activities that allow the blood of one person to come into contact with the blood of another person, for example, sharing injection needles or drug-use equipment.

You can get an STBBI if you engage in unprotected sex, share needles and or other drug-use equipment, had a blood transfusion or organ transplant before 1992 or get a tattoo or a piercing with a needle that has infected blood on it (this can happen if equipment is not cleaned properly after it is used on someone else). 

The only way to know if you have an STBBI is to get tested. If you are concerned or have questions visit your community health nurse (CHN) or doctor. Most STBBIs can be treated. 


​​​​The resources on this webpage were created in collaboration between the BC Centre for Disease Control, FNHA, BC Association of Aboriginal Friendship Centre, and Métis Nation BC. The following links are downloadable PDFs:​
Dancing to Eagle Spirit Society

Dedicated to the healing and empowerment of aboriginal and non-aboriginal two-spirit individuals their friends and their allies

HiM: Health Initiative for Men

Strengthening the health and well-being of gay men

My Health is Sexy

Interior Health's HIV information and support site | Postcards | Poster

Native Youth Sexual Health Network

An organization by and for Indigenous youth that works across issues of sexual and reproductive health, rights and justice throughout the United States and Canada

Options for Sexual Health

Current sexual and reproductive health care, information, and education from a feminist, pro-choice, sex-positive perspective


BC’s queer, trans and Two-Spirit resource centre

SmartSex Resource

A comprehensive sexual health resource that provides local, relevant information and services for British Columbians of all ages, including sexual health information, where to get tested and other sexual health services in your area. You can interact with an experienced public health nurse through private chat or by sending in a question

What is Mpox?

Illustrated graphic series on Mpox​


Funding for youth living with HIV and Hep C

 Contact Us

Sexually Transmitted and Blood Borne Infections

Harm Reduction

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