Human Papillomavirus (HPV)

​​HPV Prevention, Screening and Resources​

HPV Awareness Campaign

On October 3, the First Nations Health Authority (FNHA) launched a Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine awareness campaign aimed at informing and connecting with First Nations communities across BC. This campaign seeks to empower individuals to make informed decisions about their own health and wellness. 

What is HPV?

HPV is a highly transmissible and very common sexually transmitted infection. While the majorit​y of HPV infections will disappear over time, in the short term they can cause bumps in the genital area that can become warts. The long term risk after an HPV infection, which may be years, or even decades later, include greater risk of cancers that can develop in the vulva, penis, anus or throat. 

The HPV vaccine is routinely given in grade 6 so that children are protected before they are exposed to HPV. Given this, parents and guardians with grade 6 age children are encouraged to have their children vaccinate​​d against HPV. The HPV vaccine is beneficial to all recommended individuals, regardless of gender. Eligible youth who miss out on the vaccine at that time can get it before they turn 19. The HPV vaccine is also free for certain groups who are older than 19. For more information on the HPV vaccine and eligibility criteria, please visit: Immunize BC​.​

The HPV Vaccine

What are the benefits of the HPV Vaccine?

  • Helps to protect against cancers of the cervix, anus, mouth and throat, penis, vagina and vulva.
  • Protects you against genital warts.
  • This vaccine is safe with millions of doses administered worldwide.
  • Increased vaccination rates help to protect others. 

Cancer Screening

There are two options for cervical cancer screening.

Cervix screening = Cervix self-screening or a Pap test

Cervix self-screenin​​g test: 

  • Recommende​​d to women and people with a cervix between 25-69 years every five years if negative for HPV.
  • Call 1-877-702-6566 or visit​ to request a kit in the mail. You ca​n also connect with a health care provider about picking up a test kit.
  • ​Cervix self-screeni​​ng is a simple test that lets you collect a sample from your vagina to screen for cervical cancer. You can complete the self-test wherever you’re most comfortable, including at home, and return the test by mail or at a health centre.

Pap t​​est: 

  • Recommended to women and people with a cervix between 25-69 years of age every t​​hree years.
  • ​Call 1-800-739-7367 or visit to find a health care clinic that accep​​​​ts patients for Pap tests.
  • ​Pap tests ca​​n be done by a doctor, nurse practitioner, registered nurse, midwife or naturopathic doctor at their office or clinic.
