Talk to a Doc

Dr. Terri Ald​red • Dr. Danièle Behn Smith • Dr. Kamran Golmohammadi • Dr. Kelsey Louie • Dr. Shannon McDonald • Dr. Helena Swinkels • Dr. Nel Wieman​​​

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​FNHA doctors answer common questions about the COVID-19 vaccine in short, informative videos. Browse the list of individual videos below or open the complete Talk to a Doc playlist on YouTube.

Dr. Terri Aldred

Does the COVID-19 ​vaccine affect pregnancy or fertility? (video, 53 secs)

Dr. Danièle Behn S​mith

Should I get my child vaccinated? (video, 1.21 mins)

Do I have natural immunity if I already have COVID-19? (video, 1.05 mins)

Dr. Kamran Golmoha​mmadi

Can the vaccine change your DNA? (video, 55 secs)

Why did you get choose to get vaccinated? (video, 1.13 mins)​

Dr. Kelsey L​​​ouie

Why did you choose to get vaccinated? (video, 1.12 mins)

Dr. Nel Wieman

Are there side effects for youth when receiving the COVID-19 vaccine? (video, 1.44 mins)

Can I have an allergic reaction to COVID-19 vaccines? (video, 1.36 mins)

Why did you choose to get vaccinated? (video, 1.18 mins)​

 Be a COVID-19 #VaxChamp!

Caleb Knoll, T'Sou-ke Nation, Takes the Pledge!

 Wanting to get vaccinated?

Vis​it the BC's provincial COVID-19 vaccination website to register for a vaccination and get up-to-date information and help.


 Been exposed or experiencing symptoms?

Contact y​​​​our primary care provider or local public health office or call 811(Ta​ke a self-assessment.)​ ​​​