“Join the Wellness Move-ment!”
Hosting Wellness Activities on National Aboriginal Day: June 21, 2016
The First Nations Health Authority (FNHA) is a committed wellness partner for each and every First Nations person and community in British Columbia. FNHA has a vision of wellness, doing so in a manner that honours First Nations inherent teachings, values our diversity and respects traditions and culture. FNHA wants the June 21 Day of Wellness events to become an annual wellness movement for First Nations peoples in BC.
This year we are requesting all successful applicants host their wellness activities on National Aboriginal Day, June 21st, 2016 to promote BC First Nations as a whole celebrating Wellness in a unified effort on this day.
Grant Eligibility and Criteria
• BC First Nations Community
• First Nations School in BC
• Organizations or agency delivering health service to BC First Nations and/or Aboriginal people
• Combination of the above (3)
• Event must held on National Aboriginal Day, June 21st, 2016
• Proposals must be received by: April 29th, 2016
Proposals will be assessed ensuring funding is distributed equitably to First Nations communities across all five regions, with the preference and consideration given to the following:
• BC First Nations community based applications
• Applications where collaboration or partnership with other communities is possible and demonstrated
• Quality and detail of application with clear description of how the proposed event fits into the respective
wellness streams• Closing Reports received from previous successful applicants
• Only fully completed applications will be considered
Applications can be received via email, fax or via the FluidSurvey link no later than: April 29th, 2016. If a fax is being sent then please first call the phone number below to let them know that your entry will be received that way.
First Nations Health Authority – Wellness Event
Phone: (604) 693-6575
Fax: (604) 913-2081
Download the 2016 Day of Wellness Grant Application here (PDF 284 KB)