For Immediate Release

23 health regulatory bodies in B.C. declared their commitment to making
the health system more culturally safe for First Nations and Aboriginal
People. In signing the Declaration of Commitment to Cultural Safety and
Humility, BC health professionals are the first in Canada to make the
Increasing the level of cultural safety in the health
care system through approaches such as cultural safety, cultural
humility, health literacy and relationship-based care will assist in
improving the quality of health services for First Nations and
Aboriginal people.
Unfortunately, systemic racism and
discrimination towards First Nations people continues to be a major
problem in many contemporary health care settings. Systemic racism,
which includes personal biases and unintentional stereotyping, leads to
inappropriate treatment and barriers to accessing health care.
the Declaration of Commitment reflects the high priority placed on
advancing cultural safety and humility for Indigenous people among
regulated health professionals by committing to actions and processes
which will ultimately embed culturally safe practices within all levels
of health professional regulation.
The Declaration commits the
23 regulatory bodies to report on their progress via annual reports
outlining strategic activities which demonstrate how they are meeting
their commitment to cultural safety. The Declaration also opens the door
to formally encouraging all health professionals to complete cultural
safety training, such as the San'yas Indigenous Cultural Safety Training
offered by the Provincial Health Services Authority (PHSA).
signing of the declaration was witnessed by over 230 delegates
attending the 2017 Quality Forum ‘Best of Both Worlds’ conference, a
forum focused on improving the quality of health care for Indigenous
The declaration is endorsed by the First Nations Health
Authority and the Ministry of Health and was signed by their
representatives and the members of the BC Health Regulators.
Cynthia Johansen, Registrar/CEO of the College of Registered Nurses of BC (CRNBC):
the largest group of regulated health professionals in BC, nurses are
in a unique position to be able to effect real change within the system.
CRNBC is encouraging nurses to consider how their practice can help
achieve positive health outcomes for Aboriginal Peoples, and to speak up
and advocate for Aboriginal Peoples when they see discrimination or
Dr. Heidi Oetter, Registrar and CEO, College of Physicians and Surgeons of BC:
College of Physicians and Surgeons is honoured to sign this declaration
on behalf of all BC physicians, which demonstrates our profession’s
strong commitment to working with the First Nations Health Authority to
improve the health and well-being of BC First Nations. The College is
confident that physicians genuinely understand the need for, and the
benefits of, Indigenous cultural safety training, and will continue to
promote the value of this training to the medical profession.”
Joe Gallagher Quote, CEO First Nations Health Authority:
today’s commitment, the members of every regulated health profession in
B.C. have permission to address prejudice and other problematic
behaviours without fear of reprisal. This Declaration will ultimately
make the health system safer not only for First Nations and Aboriginal
people but for all British Columbians.
Health Minister Terry Lake:
worked hard with our partners to make sure that our health-care system
is inclusive and supports all patients. This commitment by health-care
regulators will raise awareness of the importance of culturally
respectful care and in doing so, help improve the quality of care for
First Nations and Aboriginal people in B.C.”
Media inquiries:
First Nations Health Authority
Health Regulators of BC
Ministry of Health
Quick Facts
humility is a process of self-reflection to understand personal and
systemic biases and develop relationships based on mutual trust.
Cultural humility involves humbly acknowledging oneself as a learner
when it comes to understanding another's experience.
safety is an outcome based on respectful engagement that recognizes and
strives to address power imbalances inherent in the health care system.
It results in an environment free of racism and discrimination, where
people feel safe when receiving and making decisions about their health
In July 2015, all Health Authority CEOs in BC signed the
first ever Declaration of Commitment. That Commitment gave all their
health professionals a mandate to advance cultural safety and humility
and safety in their practices with First Nations and Aboriginal people
in BC.
In June 2016, the FNHA launched the #itstartswithme
campaign to further advance cultural safety and humility. The campaign
is centered upon personal and systemic change for better health services
for BC First Nations. Health care providers are encouraged to learn
more about cultural safety and humility in healthcare. Make a personal
pledge of commitment by visiting
BC Health Regulators (BCHR) represents 23 regulatory colleges governed
by the Health Professions Act and the Social Workers Act. They work
together to make sure their licensed professionals are qualified,
competent, and follow their standards of practice.
Cultural Safety (ICS) Training is a unique, facilitated on-line training
program designed to strengthen the skills of those who work with
Aboriginal people. Participants will learn about terminology; diversity;
aspects of colonial history such as Indian residential schools and
Indian Hospitals, time line of historical events; and contexts for
understanding social disparities and inequities. Learn more here.
Download this media release in PDF format here (59 KB)
List of Regulatory Colleges:
College of Chiropractors of BC
College of Dental Hygienists of BC
College of Dental Surgeons of BC
College of Dental Technicians of BC
College of Denturists of BC
College of Dieticians of BC
College of Licensed Practical Nurses of BC
College of Massage Therapists of BC
College of Midwives of BC
College of Naturopathic Physicians of BC
College of Occupational Therapists of BC
College of Opticians of BC
College of Optometrists of BC
College of Pharmacists of BC
College of Physical Therapists of BC
College of Physicians and Surgeons of BC
College of Podiatric Surgeons of BC
College of Psychologists of BC
College of Registered Nurses of BC
College of Registered Psychiatric Nurses of BC
College of Social Workers of BC
College of Speech and Hearing Health Professionals of BC
College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists of BC