For Immediate Release
COAST SALISH TERRITORY (Vancouver, BC)—The First Nations Health Authority (FNHA) is pleased to announce that effective immediately, Richard Jock is the Chief Operating Officer (COO). Richard was previously the VP of Policy, Planning and Strategic Services for the FNHA.

"Our organization has come a long way since Transfer on October 1 last year, and I look forward to supporting the CEO and working in partnership with BC First Nations to address the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead," states Jock.
As the COO, Richard's portfolio will include Community Health and Wellness Services, Health Benefits, policy, planning, engagement, service improvements/integration, investment strategies, and partnership implementation in the regions. Richard's position will also provide leadership for the building, functioning and implementation of strong partnerships within the First Nations health governance structure and the health system more broadly.
"The Board welcomes Richard to his new role," said Lydia Hwitsum, Board Chair. "He is a first rate senior executive who brings over 20 years of experience in health care leadership. Working alongside Dr. Evan Adams, I am confident that we are well positioned to navigate our ambitious agenda of health system transformation in the coming years."
Richard is a member of the Mohawks of Akwesasne and prior to joining FNHA, held the post of Chief Executive Officer of the Assembly of First Nations (AFN). He has worked for the past 25 years for First Nations organizations and the federal government including numerous positions in the health field. Before his return to the AFN, he was Chief Executive Officer of the Norway House Health Services Incorporated, Executive Director of the National Aboriginal Health Organization, Director General for Program Policy, Transfer Secretariat and Planning within Health Canada, Director of Health and Social Services for Mohawk Council of Akwesasne, Ontario Regional Director for Health Canada, Director of the First Nations Health Commission at the AFN, and Director of the National Native Alcohol and Drug Abuse Program at Health Canada.
"During his time as our VP of Policy, Planning and Strategic Services, Richard displayed true leadership and passion that I am confident he will apply to the position as COO," said Joe Gallagher, FNHA CEO. "His contributions to building this First Nations organization are valued and I look forward to working alongside Richard in his new role."
Media Contact:
Trevor Kehoe | Communications Officer and Media Relations
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